Category: Personal
Four years and counting
According to the date calculator on I’m due to retire in 3 years, 11months and 5 days, but hey who’s counting, I’m looking very much forward to retirement, there are so many things I want to do, projects I want to work on, things I want to learn. During the next few years I…
Good-bye Spaced-Ex and Blue Orifice
I’m so done with rich billionaire little boys and their big toys. Elon Musk’s rather disturbing gestures at President Trump’s inauguration really upset me as it did many people and I’ve decided to now do a personal boycott of SpaceX flights. I’m a big space nerd at heart, so not partaking in the excitement of…
…and what if…
The company I work for ships most of its products to the United States, meaning if the 25% tariffs are put in full force on February 1st the repercussions could be disastrous. Am I worried? You bet! I could stand to lose my job or at the very least see my salary and/or my hours…
Happy New Year 2025
Wow, 2025! I don’t know about you but that number looks very sci-fi doesn’t it? It’s already seven days into 2025 and so far so good 🙂 In years past, in fact for most of my adolescent and adult life I’ve always taken January as a month of reflection to look at and plan my…