Wow, 2025! I don’t know about you but that number looks very sci-fi doesn’t it? It’s already seven days into 2025 and so far so good 🙂 In years past, in fact for most of my adolescent and adult life I’ve always taken January as a month of reflection to look at and plan my upcoming year, take hold of the year that passed and work towards resolutions, blah blah blah 🙂 Not this year, at least not in the same way. I’ve decided that this year will be a year of action. No more planning things to death but simply having a todo list and knocking things off of it. What exactly? Well for starters I had the installation of a new dishwasher, which was done two days ago. It didn’t go smoothly as our kitchen was built in place and isn’t standard at all. So at the moment, although the dishwasher is installed and works fine, it’s skewed forward so that it looks like it’s open all the time but in fact it’s closed. I will revisit it this coming weekend where I will cut away a portion of the top of the cabinet so that it will sit flush and at least look a little better. It’s kind of a moot point as one of the todos on my list is to redo the kitchen entirely. More on this in later posts.
I’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2025, may you all have Heatlh, Happiness and Peace as we embark on what might become a very divisive year with American politics very much in the forefront and our own Canadian politics in upheaval. We’ll have to hang tight and ride out all the storms and hopefully we’ll all be OK in the end.