Image of the Sombrero Galaxy taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Image of singer Lucy Thomas in front of a black background and there is a microphone hanging to the right of her in the image.

If Silk Had a Voice…

OH MY GOD! That’s all I could keep saying to myself as my ears stumbled over my mouse, tripped over the keyboard and into Lucy Thomas’ Youtube channel. It all started with a conversation that my wife and I were having about a rendition of Eric Carmen’s “All by Myself”, a song made famous by Celine Dion, even though I COULD NOT STAND her version, my apologies to all the Dionists out there, but I just found her rendition screechy to the Nth degree. The rendition my wife was listening to had the same effect on me and I told her so. In fact, I told her that I had never heard a version of the song that didn’t have me cringing as that fateful crescendo makes it appearance and the singer has to reach into their upper registers and often end up screeching yelling those final notes; up until this evening that is. In fact, as I type this and think about the rendition I just listened to by Lucy Thomas, the hair on my arms is still standing on end, that’s the extent to which her voice reached deep down inside of me. You must realize, I have not had a singer do this to me in a very long time and here tonight, on an unassuming Saturday evening, unbeknownst to me, I found a singer who has single-handedly restored my fate in that song, and I left a comment on her Youtube channel to that effect. Here is the cover of “All by Myself” by Lucy Thomas for your enjoyment. Please stop whatever you’re doing and just sit and listen to this song and tell me shivers don’t go up your spine.

Incredible rendition of “All by Myself” by Lucy Thomas

Wasn’t that something? When was the last time you heard such a wonderful, breathy, controlled and silky rendition of that song. I just loved how she used the entire range of her voice to add such wonderful depth and emotion. Even in the higher registers she shows such self-control and vocal delivery, truly masterful. There is a such a limpidity in her voice, such a smoothness whether she’s going down into the lower registers or reaching those crescendos, it’s truly so easy on the ears, like liquid, auditory silk, if such a thing could exist. I may have to reconsider buying better speakers for the old Hi-Fi system in the corner of my office. I think that’s one of the hallmarks of a truly beautiful voice is if you can listen to it effortlessly and so far I’ve listened to dozen’s of her videos and her voice is so delicate, yet powerful at the same time that it just naturally sits in the mix of the song, but is also able to capture the listener’s ears, again flowing with ease.

Even the piano solo in the middle had me waiting in anticipation for her voice to return, this ladies and gentlemen hasn’t happened in a long long time.

I certainly hope the world discovers Ms. Thomas and as her voice and singing technique further matures in the years to come she may very well become a household name and could end up with the great female singers in history, bravo Lucy bravo!



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