Image of the Sombrero Galaxy taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Graphic of a man shrugging his shoulders with his hands palms looking and he has a confused look on his face.

OK…Now What?

I had a major catastrophe with my little webserver several weeks ago and basically had to change machines and also restart my blog. Originally I had several blogs dedicated to different topics, but over the years it proved to be too cumbersome to maintain, so I’ve decided to simplify things and only have one blog from now on – Stefano’s Place. Well, that’s what it’s called for now, I’m not sure if I’ll keep the name, but I needed something up there 🙂

I’m really not sure what this blog will contain, for the short-term I do plan on bringing over some articles from my original two blogs as I’ve kept back ups of many of them. In time I hope to update the blog with articles on diverse topics and in varied forms, be it written word, audio recordings, podcast-like or video. I can’t promise how often I’ll post or if you’ll necessarily like the subject, but I do promise to try and keep it lively and interesting, so stay tuned.



